Metal tapping is a metal cutting process that involves making/cutting screw threads using a tap.
The tap cuts threads inside a hole creating a surface which acts like a nut.
Basic Machining provides metal tapping services which are fast and accurate. If you are tired of inconsistent tapping services, choose us.
We use high-quality taps.
We also have highly experienced and skilled metal tapping experts who know how to gauge tap quality, align taps, get rid of tap clogging, lubricate accordingly as well as use the appropriate speed.
We have also invested in the best and latest metal tapping equipment. Our old tapping machines are also well maintained. Our experts also know how to use our machines accordingly.
This guarantees consistent, high-quality results every time.
It’s been years since we had any of our fabricated parts returned to us because of inconsistencies. We have the necessary quality controls to get the job done right.